Published by Itecons
Infrastructure type(s)
Hospitais; Pools; Hotels; Schools; Sports facilities; Child care, elderly care and other social services facilities; Shopping centers
Intervention domain(s)
Domestic Hot Water; Water Heating; Water Supply and Sewage Systems in Buildings; Building (Water) Use Devices; Rainwater Harvesting Systems; Grey Water Recycling Systems; Water Efficiency
Water efficiency
Domestic hot water
Rainwater Harvesting Systems
Grey Water Recycling Systems
Water audit
In order to mitigate water losses and waste, circulation circuits with return should be considered, in order to avoid long waiting times. Additionally, it is recommended to reuse and recycle wastewater, as well as to use water from alternative sources, such as rainwater harvesting.
Published by Ariston Thermo Group
Published by ENERGIE Est, Limitada
Published by ENERGIE Est, Limitada
Published by ENERGIE Est, Limitada
Published by BAXI Soluções de Climatização, S.A.
Published by Domótica SGTA, Gestão Técnica e Automação Lda.